Since 1985, AgeWell Middle Tennessee has been a trusted community resource, a catalyst for solutions to unmet needs and an advocate for older adults and caregivers. AgeWell champions informed and positive aging, and helps thousands of older adults and family caregivers each year find information and community resources.
As a unique nonprofit charged with identifying and addressing the unmet needs of older adults and their families, AgeWell Middle Tennessee created Eldercare Coach to help employers, organizations and family caregivers.
We help employers and organizations cultivate a caregiver-friendly workplace and support the needs of their employees and members who are caring for aging loved ones. AgeWell offers best practices, on-site and virtual Lunch and Learns, individualized 30-minute phone consultations with a geriatric care professional and this online portal for caregivers. Middle Tennessee employers and organizations can partner with AgeWell Middle Tennessee to offer Eldercare Coach as a wellness benefit.
For family caregivers not working for an employer or organization that offers Eldercare Coach, AgeWell Middle Tennessee partners with the GNRC-Area Agency on Aging & Disability to offer sponsored phone consultations as part of the GNRC-AAAD Family Caregiver Support Program.
Thanks to these supporters for making Eldercare Coach possible: Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center - Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP), The West End Home Foundation, Memorial Foundation, Frist Foundation, Abe's Garden, Cal Turner Foundation, and GNRC-Area Agency on Aging & Disability.
About Eldercare Coach
Powered by AgeWell Middle Tennessee – an established and trusted nonprofit resource
Support services for caregivers of all kinds that include: one-on-one coaching, an unbiased directory of services for elders, and high quality educational resources.
Our Values
Continuous Learning
Always growing our hearts and minds
Believe in and be a source of possibilities
Glow with enthusiasm and purpose
Just because it's no fun to lose
Embrace the beauty of unique and different
We're all in this together